Best Stretch for Sore Low Back

What is the best stretch for sore low back? First of all let’s review why most people have issues with their low backs.  We do not move like we did at the turn of the 20th century.  At that time we were an agricultural society.  You ate what you could grow and that took a  lot of physical effort.  Our bodies kept moving and muscles were used.  Times change.  Our society makes enough food for everyone to eat so we don’t need to grow it ourselves.  Consequently, most peoples jobs do not require physical activity at all.  The minimum required steps for fitness is 10,000 steps/day.  We get about 3,000/day on average.  We sit all day whether it is at a desk or behind the wheel of a car.  This results in the knees being bent which allows the hamstrings, the muscles in the back of the upper thighs, to become tight and shorten.  When the hamstrings are tight they pull on the low back when we move around.  The best stretch for sore low back is to stretch the hamstrings.

Try this stretch every day for :30-1:00 each side.   If you don’t have a stretching strap you can use a towel.  You’re hands will become tired using a towel but it is better than not doing the stretch.  Breathe normally as you stretch – no holding your breath.  Also, stretching shouldn’t be painful.  As soon as you feel the pull that is all the further you need to go.  Try and relax the muscle while stretching as this is the best way to take advantage of this type of stretching.  Don’t be afraid to do it more than once a day.  You can’t stretch too often.  Try this for a month and I think you’ll agree that this is the best stretch for sore low back.

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