New Clients

“What will happen on my first visit?”

For new clients, this seems to be what everyone wants to know before they will hire a personal trainer. This is certainly understandable especially if you have never had a personal trainer.  Let’s talk about what will happen on your very first visit.

Consultation for New Clients

During the initial consultation, we’re going to sit down and you will have a chance to tell me all about your fitness goals and any limitations you may have.  This is important in programming an effective exercise program that will allow you to have results without unwanted injuries.

Examination for New Clients

After hearing about your goals and limitations and we have decided that we are a good fit I will perform an examination.  The examination includes a range of motion evaluation, stability and balance analysis, flexibility testing, and body weight. Barring any physical limitations (i.e. recent surgeries), strength tests come next to evaluate any weaknesses.

I then perform a 26-point movement impairment analysis to determine what parts of your body are tight and weak.  I start at your head and work my way down to your feet.  This is very important in programming as it will tell me what exercises you should not perform.

There have been times where it has been very clear to me following the evaluation that I am not the best fit for a client.  I don’t accept clients that I don’t believe I can help.

At the end of your first visit, I will explain the results of the evaluation and how I can help.  There is a follow-up evaluation every 3 months to track your progress.

All of your fitness programming and financial options will be explained in detail at this time.

Schedule an Examination

If you have questions about our services or are ready to schedule an examination, please feel free to contact us.